Portfolio of
Amanda Walters, aspiring programmer.

wikipedia app
simon says
wikipedia app
js calculator
pomodoro calculator
twitch app
weather app
quote generator
tribute project


Simon Says
tic tac toe project
JS game
calculator project
timer project
wikipedia project
twitch project
weather app
quote generator
tribute project
tribute project
Simon Says
tic tac toe project
JS game
calculator project
timer project
quote generator
twitch project
wikipedia project
weather app


I am an aspiring programmer living in Portland, OR and am in the process of learning how to program and code using Codecademy and Free Code Camp. I have learned HTML, CSS, and Javascript so far, as well as jQuery and angularJS.

I graduated in 2014 with my Bachelor's degree in Nursing but have discovered it is not for me. I started teaching myself to program at the beginning of 2016 and got hooked. I love being able to watch a project come together and enjoy the challenge of solving problems.


  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • AngularJS
  • React.js
  • PHP
  • Command Line